Education and training
Diverse paths for growth and learning from early childhood education to higher education.
Early childhood education
Every child has the right to early childhood education and care and pre-primary education.
Pre-primary education
Preschool-aged children, meaning six-year-olds, attend free pre-primary education organised by the municipality.
Basic education
Kokkola has 27 basic education schools, of which 22 operate in Finnish and 5 in Swedish.
General upper secondary education
Kokkola has a Finnish-speaking upper secondary school, a Swedish-speaking upper secondary school and a Finnish-speaking upper secondary school for adults.
Kokkolan seudun opisto (Kokkola adult education centre)
Kokkolan seudun opisto is a bilingual (Finnish and Swedish) adult education centre owned and maintained by the city of Kokkola.
Vocational education and training
The Federation of Education in Central Ostrobothnia organises vocational education and training in Kokkola.
Higher education
The higher education institutions in Kokkola produce experts for a variety of different fields.
Art education
Basic education in the arts & vocational and recreational art education in Kokkola
Contact us
Kai Kytölaakso
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